ER Law: Trial Attorneys | Family & Personal Injury | Greensboro, NC

Premises Liability Lawyer in High Point

ER Law: Trial Lawyers | Personal Injury & Family Law | Greensboro, NC

Premises liability cases usually happen when there’s a specific grade of negligence made by other individuals. In this case, it’s when the property owner did not take specific and vital measures for everyone that visits their property to be safe. Due to not taking the right safety measures, injuries, and in the worst case, death, can be caused by an unsafe condition on their property.

When you work and have advice from the right premises liability lawyers, you will be able to handle your case better. If the client is able to prove that his/her injury was made by the owner of the property failing to use reasonable care in their property, the case is won.

However, if an individual ends up getting hurt in someone else’s property, it does not always mean there was negligence. For negligence to be proved, it needs to be shown the property owner knew about the unsafeness of his/her property and failed to take the necessary care to fix it.

How a Premises Liability Lawsuit Will Help You

Under premises liability, the owner, operator, or anyone that is in charge of the property where the negligence was made can be proved responsible for them if:

-The company knew or should have known about the issue.

-They knew about the defect and did not repair it or warned individuals.

Filing for negligence in a premises liability case can provide the person injured with compensation for losses that worker’s compensation does not cover.

If you or any loved one were injured due to a serious defect in someone’s property, a premises liability lawsuit may allow you to recover:

  • Medical expenses
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Physical injuries or pain
  • Physical limitations
  • Disfigurement
  • Mental distress
  • Damage to personal property

If something more fatal, such as death, happened you may be able to file a lawsuit to recover the compensation for the loss of a loved one.

ER Law wants to help you by assessing your case and guiding you through the process.

Call us for a no-cost consultation to determine if your injury resulted from the negligence of a property owner.

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Ask a Question, Describe Your Situation, Request a Consultation. Call Us: (336) 904-9000

Ask a Question, Describe Your Situation, Request a Consultation. Call Us: (336) 904-9000

Meet The Team

Eric Richardson | Attorney & Founder | ER Law: Trial Lawyers

Eric Richardson

Attorney & Founder
Amanda Edwards | ER Law: Trial Lawyers | Greensboro, NC

Amanda Edwards

Associate Attorney

Terri Rogers


Ask a Question, Describe Your Situation, Request a Consultation. Call Us: (336) 904-9000

Ask a Question, Describe Your Situation, Request a Consultation. Call Us: (336) 904-9000